about .> ~me

I teach for a living and live to write. Writing is my form of expression for things that I do not know how to say, and very often do not even know exist in my mind. Writing gives me an alternate existence of infinite possibilities. And that is always the reason to feel excited and hopeful.  

In addition to life experiences, learning enriches my mind and what I write. I have completed three master's degrees programmes over the past two decades from Singapore (NTU), and Sheffield and Teesside from the UK. I am often found in the grounds of NUS, however, where I studied Economics and History as an undergraduate. I often feel the urge to hunt down some learning that let slip when I was a student there, and the somewhat mysterious knowledge among the huge old trees and musty-smelling central library. All right, I am just there to enjoy the alumni clubhouse. :)

Thanks for being here. I wish you peace and serenity in your life. 

Write your text here...

大家好, 我教书为生,写作为命。写作让我表达我说不出口的,探索未知数的,和体验与我不同的人生。 能偶穿梭于万变又不离本质是何等兴奋与痛快?



